Big pussy energy

Release shame | Overcome fear | Reclaim your power | One twerk at a time 

on demand

on demand

BPE is an unapologetic movement based practice that connects you to your body, sensuality and confidence. Through the tools of sensual embodiment, twerking and spicy dance moves you’ll connect to your bodies wisdom and unlock your power.

this is for you if:

❤️‍🔥 You want to feel at home in your body

❤️‍🔥 You want to unlock deeper pleasure and connections within yourself 

❤️‍🔥 You want to feel strong, confident and powerful

❤️‍🔥 You’re ready to release self doubt and learn tools to trust your intuition

This is not for you if:

You dont want to grow

❌ You dont like to laugh

❌ You don’t want to experience your power… rather keep it locked up

BPE is so much more than a dance class… its a reclamation

We grew up in a world that taught us to fear, shame, be grossed out and suppress the very spaces within the feminine that holds your power…. your sensual energy.

Inside every woman no matter your age, race, religion, socioeconomic background, political stance…

Is a woman who wants to be unabashed, unbridled and feel sexy…

For herself 🔥

Hear what other baddies are saying

What it’s all about

💦 All levels, sensual embodiment, twerkshop and slow sensual classes 

💦 2 new classes a month 

💦 20+ class Library

💦 Monthly live virtual hangouts with Brittini and the other BPE Baddies to ask questions and form deeper connections

💦 Be invited to a private group chat with the community

💦 In 30 mins or less feel sexier, more confident and more empowered with who the f*ck you are 

Get a taste 🤤

  • "I feel much more self aware, like wow I didn't even know what was going on until I took the time to connect with myself. I also feel empowered and confident."

    Jasmine F.

  • "Never seen anything like this and it felt risqué and a fun way to better connect with myself"

    -Sara A.

  • "I leave feeling empowered and remembering who the fuck I am"

    Nancy T.

  • "I come to BPE for the safe space it creates to feel what you feel and be what you want to be. Judgement free zone :)"

    Heather L.

Brittini Burton

Hey mama,

My intention with Big Pussy Energy is for you to wake up to how powerful you are and, with that knowledge, create the life you were born to live because you are the creator. I’ve read all the self-help and spiritual enlightenment books, hired the life coaches and invested thousands in emotional intelligence seminars. However, connecting to my sensuality is the main reason I am who I am today, and I haven’t always been like this. I used to be burned out, easily manipulated, and completely drained of any femininity.

When you start embodying BPE, you might notice judgments or voices in your mind coming online. Know that those are not your true self; they are just voices from society that have conditioned you to not explore your body. When you're in BPE, it's a safe space to explore all the places you’ve been taught to hide from. When you embrace Big Pussy Energy, my intention is for you to have fun, learn new ways to move your body, and remember who the f*ck you are and leading your life with that knowing.

You got this mama, See you inside!

With love and twerk,

P.S. It's your body, you can touch her however you like babes.

Monthly unlimited


❤️‍🔥Unlimited access to the BPE Movement Library

❤️‍🔥 2 new classes every month

❤️‍🔥 Invitation to our supportive and empowering community group chat

❤️‍🔥 Access to all monthly live events

Annual unlimited


❤️‍🔥 $44 a per month

❤️‍🔥Unlimited access to the BPE Movement Library

❤️‍🔥 2 new classes every month

❤️‍🔥 Invitation to our supportive and empowering community group chat

❤️‍🔥 Access to all monthly live events

*Can cancel anytime

There is no greater act of rebellion than claiming your true authentic self.